International Certificate of Competence
This is an international standard that proves a skippers ability to drive or sail recreational boats. Hence its name “International Certificate of Competency”.
We at Sail On offer all the exams, both practical and theoretical that approves your application for an ICC within a few weeks.

What is the ICC
Norway has joined an international coalition of countries that sets the international standards for the International Certificate of Competense. This system and standard makes it easier to document a drivers knowledge and capability to navigate the sea safely, to handle and maneuver a boat in narrow waters. The ICC is ratified by the following countries:
Austria, Bellarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Checkia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Netherland, Norway, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Switserland, Great Britain and Ukraine.
Who is ICC for?
The reason Norway joined the ICC System is because of the increase in norwegians traveling to other european countries and renting boats. Thus Norway joining makes it easier for norwegians to rent boats through their “International Certificate of Competency”.
However the ICC is also great for other europeans currently living in Norway and wants to take a boating licence that is also valid in their home country.

Theoretical Exam
The first of the two tests is the theoretical test, also known as båtførerprøven (boat driver's licence). This is the same test all residents of Norway have to take to legally navigate a boat in norwegian territory.
This test consists of many important aspects of a boat and navigation. Some of these topics are rules at sea, navigation, sea marks, seamanship, safety and a lot more.
Sail On offers these coursse in english, click here.
The online course consists of all the topics you need to pass the boat driver's licence exam. The course also includes practice assignments and quizzes.
Practical Exam
The second part on your way to the ICC is the practical exam. In this part of the certification you take everything that you have learned in the theoretical part and demonstrate to an examinor that you can practically handle and safely navigate a boat by engine and/or sail.
Examples of this can be navigating a boat in small areas, anchoring, but also what to do in emergency situations such as a fire or man overboard. You can read more about he exam curriculum her.
The goal is to show that you know how to navigate safely at sea as well as what to do when plans do go as planned. You can think of the practical test, as the practical test of getting your car drivers licence.
Sail On offers courses and examination for the ICC practical exam. You find that here.
Sail On is an authorised provider of the ICC practical exam by the Norwegian Maritime Athority.
Are you going to get an ICC? Here is a check.
- Theoretical Test. This is the same as the boat drivers licence test.
- Practical Test. Also known as the practical examination of ICC
- Health Declaration. You will fill this out on the application form which you can find here.
Du have any questions or need guidance in this process please contact us. We are here to help you get all the qualifications that you need.