The boating licence and the ICC (International Certifiacte of Competence)
We now offer the boating licence course as an online, fully interactiv course. You can take the course at your own pace and from the convenience of your home or anywhere else.
The ICC, is an international boat driver's licence for boat up to 15 meters. First you need to pass the boating licence exam, which is the theory to the ICC. Then you need to pass the ICC practical exam which is a practical hands-on boat driver's test.

The Boat Driver's Licence Online Course
We now offer the Norwegian Boat Driver's Licence in English. Our instructors are professional sailors and RIB skippers. We teach 300 students to Båtførerprøven every year. We offer you the best experience and knowledge in order for you to get as much as possible out of the course and pass the exam.
Get Access Now, through our online course.